Temperature: 31°F
Feels Like: 31°F
Wind: Calm
Humidity: 76%
Pressure: 1010.6 mb é
Temperatures are still seasonably low, but are warming up! The weekend will most likely be mostly cloudy with a chance of precipitation. Currently, we are experiencing (very enjoyable) mild temperatures with completely overcast skies. The winds are currently calm, the winds we are experiencing are out of the south. That, coupled with overcast stratus clouds is what would likely allow for the precipitation we may experience. As the weekend progresses we should expect cloudy skies and a slight decline in temperature before the warming trend continues.
The subpolar jet is maintaining its very horizontal path right now bringing warmer temperatures across the country. |
Overcast skies and swirling winds are currently present over the Midwest. |
This is the current sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The LI value indicates that there is a relatively stable atmospheric conditions, while the KI indicates a small chance for storms. |
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