Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 40°F
Feels Like: 34°F
Wind: Southwest @ 9 mph
Humidity: 77%
Pressure: 1002.4 mb ê

Temperatures spring ahead, along with daylight savings, as we move towards milder temperatures. Over the weekend we enjoyed nice spring temperatures along with some moderate winds as this temperature came in. The weekend also saw mostly cloudy skies for the better portion of the weekend. These clouds helped to insulate the area and provide some really nice temperatures. Currently, we are experiencing nice temperatures, clear skies, and light winds. Over the next few days we should expect increasing cloud cover and a chance of precipitation.

We are currently being affected by a low pressure stationary front to our north, with an upper air trough potentially affecting us as the day progresses.

This map shows the predicted trends for the week. The beginning of the week should be governed by subtropical air masses, leading to warm temperatures, with subpolar air masses leading to a slight cool down by the latter part of the week.

The subpolar jet is currently very flat on its southern extent, bringing moist air from the Pacific across the country.

This Unisys surface map shows current conditions over the Midwest. Winds in our area are currently out of the southwest, with the center of the low pressure system seemingly located around Lake Superior. Haze is currently being reported to our east, most likely in Wausau.

This sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota shows nothing significant with the LI and KI values. Both values are reporting no significant activity in the atmosphere. The thermal inversion that was currently present is no longer located over the area.

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