Temperature: 35°F
Feels Like: 25°F
Wind: North @ 16 mph, Gusts @ 25 mph
Humidity: 40%
Pressure: 1016.4 mb é
A massive cold front pushes through, plummeting temperatures across most of the country. It was a rather cool weekend, which led into a rather decent sized storm of wintry-mix and plummeting temperatures in the area. This storm was brought on by a combination of a massive low pressure trough, winds from the north which cooled the region, and the current path of the jet stream. It has been a mostly cloudy day here, with the sun coming through the clouds at times, though not much. Highs are only expected to reach the mid-30's as the day progresses. The next few days we should expect a small rise in temperatures but chances for precipitation every day for the rest of the work week.
This shows the current track of the jet stream over the country, currently. We can see that the path is very vertical, and we are getting a flush of cold air because of it. |
This map shows the current surface conditions over the Midwest. As we can see, most of the viewing area is cloudy, with dominant winds out of the northwest across the viewing area. |
This sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota shows the current atmospheric conditions in the area. The conditions currently are very stable. |
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