Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Monday, April 21, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 50°F
Feels Like: 45°F
Wind: North @ 12 mph
Humidity: 46%
Pressure: 1015.4 mb é

It was a beautiful day in the Chippewa Valley, as temperatures peaked in the mid-70's. Dominant winds shifted between west and north for the better part of the day, as a high pressure system was spinning off to our west. Clear skies, warm temperatures, and moderate winds were the trend for most of the day. Over the weekend we saw a few spotty periods of rain, but there was not much for precipitation. The next few days we should a bit of a cool down, with most of the temperatures projected to be hovering around the mid-50's.

This maps shows the current pressure and frontal systems in the country. A high pressure system to our north brought winds out of the north and west for most of the day. A warm and cold front to our east are bringing precipitation to the Great Lakes Lowlands region of Canada, though not much else is going on for precipitation over the viewing area.

This Accuweather map shows the expected trends for today's weather. The low pressure system moving through should bring rain to much of the region, excluding the northwest quadrant of Wisconsin. A high pressure system moving in should lead to a continuation of clear skies and a cooling of temperatures.

This map shows the current jet stream patterns over the country. The jet is relatively flat, with a few dips that could potentially develop into a trough.

This shows the current surface data for the Midwest. Temperatures are starting to drop, as the winds have shifted to predominantly northerly winds for much of the region. 

This sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota shows the current atmospheric trends for the area. There is a small chance for activity in the form on non-severe storms, but it does not seem like there is much going on in the region.

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