Current Conditions:
Temperature: 48°F
Feels Like: 43°F
Wind: North @ 13 mph, Gusts @ 23 mph
Humidity: 37%
Pressure: 1018.9 mb é
A chillier and windier day in the Chippewa Valley, as we start the first day of our cool down. Temperatures are expected to remain in the low-mid-50's for much of the foreseeable future. Today is supposed to reach a high in the upper 50's with moderate winds for much of the day. The next few days we should expect temperatures to remain constant, while precipitation is possible every day from Wednesday through Friday night.
This map shows the current pressure and frontal systems moving through the country. Currently, in the west, a series of low pressure systems are bringing some spotty rain to the region. A high pressure dome over the Midwest is leading to a bit of a cool down and winds from the north. In the east, a low pressure trough and cold front are bringing rain to much of the eastern seaboard. |
This Accuweather map shows the current predicted trends heading into the middle part of the week. Severe storms are expected to sweep through the TX-OK-KS area. Much of the southeast and southwest are expected to be sunny and warmer. The northwest should see a cool down, thanks to a low pressure system funneling down colder northern air. In the Midwest, we should expect a shift of wind patterns to move towards easterly winds, as a high pressure system will be residing above the Great Lakes. |
This Accuweather map shows predicted trends for the later parts of the week. We should look for some showers and potentially some windier conditions in the wake of the cold front that is expected to move eastward across the country. |
This map shows the current jet stream track over the country. A small trough over the Midwest is helping to funnel down some chillier temperatures, as a coinciding high pressure system is working in tandem to funnel cool central Canada air south. |
This map shows the current surface trends over the Midwest. For much of the eastern half of this map, dominant winds are out of the north-northwest. Temperatures seem to be a little chillier throughout the eastern region, as the wind patterns are helping to cool down the temperatures. |
This sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota shows the current atmospheric conditions over the region. Currently, conditions are very stable, with little atmospheric activity. |
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