Temperature: 41°F
Feels Like: 33°F
Wind: West @ 16 mph, Gusts @ 25 mph
Humidity: 65%
Pressure: 1002.8 mb é
A windy but beautiful day in Eau Claire, as temperatures remained in the low 40s. The past two days have been constant with mild temperatures. The day started out as overcast, with most likely stratus clouds blanketing the area. As the day progressed, skies cleared and winds picked up a little. Currently, clear skies with a few cumulus humilis clouds are over the area. A low pressure trough is currently over the northeastern portion of Lake Superior, pushing a cold front down towards Wisconsin. As the weekend progresses, a chance of snow of snow is possible as temperatures dip into the low 30s, a trend that will continue until a small rise beginning on Tuesday.
A low pressure trough, currently positioned over the northeastern portion of Lake Superior, is pushing a cold front down towards Wisconsin. |
Dominant winds out of the west and patchy cloud cover is prominent over the Midwest currently, as we are being affected by a low pressure system positioned over Lake Superior. |
Stable atmospheric conditions are current conditions, according to this sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota. |
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