Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Current Conditions:
Temperature: 36°F
Feels Like: 27°F
Wind: South @ 14 mph
Humidity: 64%
Pressure: 1010.1 mb ê

The roller coaster ride of temperatures continues in the Chippewa Valley! Today we saw a rise in temperature from yesterday's chilly high of 20°F, with a daily predicted high of 43°F. A warm front is currently pushing through the extending from the northern border of the country to southern Missouri. This front is coupled with a low pressure system centered over the northwestern corner of Minnesota. We are currently experiencing clear skies, moderate winds, and mild temperatures. Tomorrow should see a temperature consistent with today's high, though as we move into the weekend and beginning of next week we will dip down into the upper 20s and lower 30s again. 

A low pressure system and a warm front are pushing through the north central region of the country. A large high pressure dome is hovering over the Texas-Louisiana border.

An Accuweather map showing the predicted trend for the weekend shows cooler air for the Midwest, with mild or warm air over the rest of the country. Precipitation is prominent over a good portion of the country as well.

This map shows the predicted trend of cold air as it pushes southeast from Friday through Monday.

This shows the subpolar jet taking a slightly more vertical path, which will eventually be pushing colder air southward as the week progresses.

This map shows the current trends of surface data over the Midwest. The center of the low pressure system is currently over the northwest corner of Minnesota, evident by a counterclockwise trend in wind direction.

This sounding from Minneapolis, Minnesota shows a small thermal inversion in the lower elevations. The LI and KI values show stable atmospheric conditions, with little chance for activity in the region.

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